Before 2020, I was mostly known for writing and training. Most of my clients wanted me to “quickly” write this or teach that as a …
Chapter 7 – five years after the bug

Dr Cindé Grey- Communication Specialist
Before 2020, I was mostly known for writing and training. Most of my clients wanted me to “quickly” write this or teach that as a …
I got my PhD in 2015 – you would have known, because I would have told you! How do you know someone has gotten a …
My time in the magazine industry was a blast. I feel so lucky to have experienced it – it was the early days of online …
Considering the time it takes me to publish these blogs, no wonder everything in my life took for ever to happen… Back in South Africa …
After three years of studying, I went to the UK on a working holiday visa. If you know what this is, you know how old …
Look, these “chapters” are very short and very slow, I know. It is what it is. In addition to being a poor speller, I had …
It was a rocky start – and it is still far from smooth sailing…I’m sorry for those of you who cannot read Afrikaans, but trust …