How I got to here

Chapter 5 – the glory days

My time in the magazine industry was a blast. I feel so lucky to have experienced it – it was the early days of online life, so magazines were still a thing. I miss it. The deadlines, the paper, the printing, the errors, the anticipation…creating something that “really” exists. Made by people for people. If you still couldn’t guess, I’m gen-X.

I learned so much about communication back then – graphic design, photography, storytelling, meetings (!), dealing with difficult people, dealing with brilliant people…the stuff you cannot learn by book or lecture room. Forever thankful. O, and I kissed a cheetah. (Please do not try this at home. Don’t have a cheetah at home.)

During that time, I made a choice or two that took me out of circulation for a while, but I returned with a bang. A long, slow, sluggish, and gradual bang. The bang began with another degree, obviously. Studying is my safe space. And communication is my happy place.

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