Before 2020, I was mostly known for writing and training. Most of my clients wanted me to “quickly” write this or teach that as a type of we-need-to-tick-the-box exercise. If I asked about the plan or strategy, most said: “Sure, we’ll get to that later, let’s just get this done.” And “later” came in the shape of a lockdown.
Suddenly, the only connection businesses had with their clients, were communication channels. Not advertising channels, communication channels. Places where people can hear your voice, get to know you, trust you, see you. Since business couldn’t do business, they did communication, and they were clumsy – saying the wrong things at the wrong time, getting cancelled, getting lost, and, overall, doing more harm than good. Then they reached out to me – not for writing or training, but for communication strategies and planning (which includes a lot of writing, training, and coaching…).

After 2020, the strategic and coaching side of my business blossomed. (So did my house and garden – I bought a lot of plants to increase the oxygen around me, which I believed was lacking while having a mask on my face.) Where the online world was crowded before, it became a stampede. Proper communication skills are no longer a “soft skill” – it is the only sure way to secure a market, a job, or a community.
That is how I got here – writing, training, and coaching. In essence, being a communication specialist. Communication coaching and training are top priorities – I’d like for you to gain the skills and not rely on me to do it. Together, we can get the globe to communicate better!